And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
From Years 7 to 12, we offer a wide range of subjects so that your child can identify and strengthen their abilities. Students can choose from an array of Science, Mathematics, English, Humanities, Commerce, Digital Technologies, Health and Physical Education, Visual Arts and Performing Arts subjects throughout their Secondary School journey.
Outside the classroom, students gain new life experiences and build lasting friendships through mission and service opportunities, sports, camps and other co-curricular activities.
We know how stressful the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) can be. We offer excellent facilities and comfortable surroundings to help our senior students deliver outstanding results.
Secondary students are also encouraged to develop critical thinking, investigate local and global issues, and think deeply about their worldview. This includes asking the deeper questions about God and faith in their own lives. In their studies, students at St Andrews are encouraged to pursue Academic Excellence in their chosen subjects.
When students graduate from St Andrews, they can step out with confidence, ready to pursue their calling and be a Christian influence in the world.

Secondary Subject Information